Welcome to our music page, Where every musican has a voice.

Please remember that EVERY musician on this page OWNS ALL RIGHTS TO THEIR WORK and all songs are protected by Section 106
of the 1976 Copyright Act !!!

  • POLY*void   
Experimental / Progressive / Acoustic

            Previously Tyler sang for At Rever Sea, jammed guitar and vocals for The Rise,i was a drummer for Bleeding the Pain, a bassist in Project Frequency, guitar and vocs in Cosmic Gearbox,a little bit of everything in Architects of the Underworld, guitar and some vocals in Atwrest, and guitar and vocs in POLYVOID. Tyler has been playing music and singing in choirs for most of his waking life. He has played in numerous bands over the years and is open to many styles of music. The rest folks is merely just history, with many chapters still to be written. Tyler uses and plays: any instrument that's handed to him, as long as it sings a pretty tune. Tyler has made great strides in the music industry and is well known (in local  circles) for his inovation, flexibility, and ability to adapt to anyone he plays with. To contact Tyler email him at polyvoid@musician.org
  • AtwResT
Alternative / Grunge / Rock

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